Climate Change Education in Svaneti

Mariam Aduashvili
Comments: 15


Problem statement:

We often praise natural beauty of our country, from the coast of the Black Sea to the mountains of Svaneti and the wine-growing regions of Kakheti. Anyone traveling in the various regions of Georgia will notice the landscape diversity.

Unfortunately, most people don't know that these ecosystems are threatened by the impacts of climate change. These impacts range from an increasing number of storms and coastal erosion on the Black Sea coast, melting glaciers in the mountains, droughts and hailstorms in midsummer in Kakheti. This places the residence and their economic activities at risk as well.

Scientists all over the world agree that this change climate is caused by human activities, most of all by burning fossil fuels for energy production, transport, heating and industrial production, but also by deforestation and many other activities releasing carbondioxide and other gases into the atmosphere.
Different countries might have different shares in the production of such greenhouse gases, but climate change knows no borders. As everyone contributes, everyone should do their part to help.

The Georgian population living in the high mountainous areas do not have access to recent, topical information about climate change for many reasons: monolingualism, lack of internet access or the availability of interesting materials. Thus, often inhabitants of these regions have very vague idea about how climate change affects them, what the Paris Climate Agreement entails, and that to transition to a low-carbon economy will be the most difficult political and economic transaction in history. They do know how that this change requires nothing less than a revolution in our sense of civic responsibility.

Proposed Solution:

We aim to raise awareness about climate change in Georgian population living in the remote regions of Georgia and engage them in the discussion happening globally.

In order to achieve this, Radarami Team that consists of four members: Project Manager, Project Coordinator/Speaker, Media Assistant and Distribution Assistant. We would like to organize discussion events about climate change in Tkibuli, Ambrolauri, Oni, Khobi and Mestia. Radarami recently published new print run of our very first book: "Fast Forward: Ethics and Politics in the Age of Global Warming by William Antholis and Strobe Talbott.

William Antholis and Strobe Talbott guide the reader through two decades of climate change diplomacy, explaining the national and international factors that have influenced and often impeded the negotiations.

"Those of us alive today are the first generation to know that we live in the Age of Global Warming. We may also be the last generation to have any chance of doing something about it. Our forebears had the excuse of ignorance. Our descendants will have the excuse of helplessness. We have no excuse," they write in the introduction.

Our Radarami team members would like to deliver free copies of Georgian translation of this book to interested audiences in remote regions of Georgia and engage them in a discussion around the issues raised in the book. Our tour will consist of five days:

Day first - Leave Tbilisi- Arrive to Tkibuli - Hold an Event - Drive to Ambrolauri - Stay
Day Two - Hold event in Abraloauri, drive to Oni, hold event in Oni - Stay
Day Three - Drive to Khobi - hold an event - Stay
Day Four - Drive to Mestia - hold an event - Stay
Day Five - Drive back to Tbilisi

We will mobilize communities with help of local volunteers and organizations, create events in social media and notify local media wherever possible.


In order to make our impact sustainable, Radarami will encourage the event's participants to create a book club, called Tabuni. With help of Tabuni, the curious local community representatives will have an opportunity to read the book in Georgian along with other bookclub members and discuss issues of climate change further.

We would like to gift all the participants of such book clubs the Tabuni handbook (that will include guidelines of how to organize a book club and lead a discussion), the above mentioned translation of "Fast Forward" with a personal signature, small stickers and environment friendly Radarami tote bag. Our team members will follow up with the Tabuni participants and receive their feedback and reviews.

Equal gender opportunity:

Our team members will make sure that the audiences on our events are as diverse as possible. Radarami encourages women and girls to participate in our discussions and express their ideas boldly.

Items Needed

Item Description Vendor Info Total Purchased?
Branded Pens/material

For the participants of book clubs

Vazha Pshavela #9, Tbilisi, Georgia

2399 552
300,00 ₾
Driver and Car Rent

To travel with books

Tsira Kobeshavidze

Zubalashvili, #4, Tbilisi, Georgia

600,00 ₾

for book club members for discussion

LTD Mtsignobari

Shatberashvili Street #4, Tbilisi Georgia

250,00 ₾
Tote Environment Friendly Bag

100 for the book club participants

Marine Nozadze

Anton Katalikosi Street, Tbilisi, Georgia

650,00 ₾

Promotion Material

Vazha Pshavela #9, Tbilisi, Sakartvelo

2399 552
100,00 ₾

For Transportation, We will need to travel around 1200 kilometers

Petrolium Georgia

Chavchavadze #34, Tbilisi, Georgia

249 64 44
500,00 ₾

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Mariam Aduashvili The readers from various villages got together to discuss the book within a book club during December 2017.
Mariam Aduashvili In order to maintain contact with the readers who would like to discuss the Georgian translation of the book "Fast Forward" further, we have published a call for self-organized reading groups around the Georgia. We have done so with help of our facebook page and we added a section to our website called "Tabuni". Tabuni is a georgian word that means "group, or guild or people with equal rights, we picked this word for the reading groups because we like the word and it also coincides with our vision of the meetings, it will be a space where readers can freely share ideas and discuss the issues about the Climate Change and the book. In order to motivate readers Radarami will give free copies of the books to all facilitators of the book clubs, as well as branded pens, stickers, notebooks and bags. We recently finished working on the guidebook that explains in detail out vision of Tabuni meetings with tools for facilitators. It also includes questions and themes about the Climate Change that readers can discuss further.
Reply 3-4 აგვისტოს შეხვედრები გავმართეთ რაჭაში (ონი; ამბროლაური; ტყიბული). წიგნის შესახებ თამთა ხელაიამ ისაუბრა, პრეზენტაციის შემდეგ, სტუმრები ჩაერთვნენ დისკუსიაში და ფართოდ განვიხილეთ კლიმატური ცვლილებების გამომწვევი ფაქტორები და მასთან დაკავშირებულ ხიფათები.
Reply ხობის შემდეგ, მესტიას ვეწვიეთ. დავუკავშირდით ახაგაზრდულ კლუბ „ბეთქილს“ და შეხვედრა 27 ივლისსს ჩავნიშნეთ. ღონისძიებას ძირითადად სკოლის მოსწავლეები დაესწრნენ, მათთან ერთად განვიხილეთ გლობალური დათბობა, შეხვედრის ბოლოს კი წიგნები საჩუქრად გადავეცით.
Reply 26 ივლისს რადარამმა შეხვედრა გამართა ხობის ცენტრალურ ბიბლიოთეკაში. შეხვედრის მთავარი თემა იყო რადარამის პირველი წიგნი, "სწრაფად წინ“, რომელიც გლობალურ დათბობას ეხება, ასევე განვიხილეთ ეკოლოგიასთან დაკავშირებული პრობლემები. წიგნის შესახებ ისაუბრა, თამთა ხელაიამ შეხვედრას დაესწრო 33 ადამიანი, დამსწრეებს წიგნი საჩუქრად გადაეცათ.
Maia Mestumre discuss about global warming in Racha and Tkibuli
Reply meeting in Betqili- youth center in Mestia, introducing a book about climate change "Fast Forward"
Reply discuss about global warming in mestia
Reply Radarami volunteers on a highest village in svaneti with books
Mariam Aduashvili After the meeting in Khobi
Mariam Aduashvili Entering the Khobi library!
Mariam Aduashvili Khobi native overviewing 'Fast Forward' book
Mariam Aduashvili Meeting in Khobi.
Mariam Aduashvili Here are some photos from the meeting!
Mariam Aduashvili On 26 July, Radarami Team members visited Khobi Library and introduced "Fast Forward" to the Guests.