STEM Education for Girls - All Activity

Research and Development Foundation commented

One group continues classes and will graduate at the end of June. Students are constructing more and more difficult mechanisms and constructions. Videos and photos of the classes are regularly uploaded on Research and Development Foundation's FB page:

Research and Development Foundation commented

First groups finished the program and were awarded certificates of achievement. We received an overall positive feedback from parents and students. Yet another group continues the program. Photos of the last class, which was also attended by parents, can be viewed here:

Research and Development Foundation commented

Classes are conducted regularly, tin two weeks wo groups that started the program in January will finish the program. Students are gradually achieving higher level pf proficiency in constructing complex machines and findings respective solutions.

Research and Development Foundation commented

Classes are conducted regularly, two groups that started the program in January, will graduate at the end of May. Students are able to construct complex machines and find respective solutions.

Research and Development Foundation commented

Classes are taking place regularly, two groups that started program on January 22nd, will have one more month to go, the third group just finished the first month of the program.

Research and Development Foundation commented

Classes are conducted on a regular basis. Students are following the LEGO' Machines and Mechanics syllabus and construct respective models and find solutions to the problems.

Research and Development Foundation commented

Classes are conducted on a regular basis. Two groups that started the program in January have already completed the half of the program.

Research and Development Foundation commented

At this stage there are three Machines and Mechanics classes - the new group started classes on March, 9, with three boys and three girls enrolled in the group. Other two groups continue classes.

Research and Development Foundation commented

Students completed more than 5 models at this stages, classes are held on a regular basis with photos of the students regularly uploaded on Research and Development Foundation's FB page ( New group will start classes on March, 9, 2017.

Research and Development Foundation commented

Classes are conducted on a regular basis, registration for another group has been completed with 7 students registered (3 boys and 4 girls) - this group will start the program on March, 9th, 2017.

Research and Development Foundation commented

Classes are conducted on a regular basis twice a week, students so far completed construction of 3 models and will start construction of a fourth model this week. More photos of the classes could be access here:

Research and Development Foundation commented

Classes are conducted regularly, with students constructing different models every other class. Photos of the classes are regularly uploaded on Research and Development Foundation's FB page. Photos of the last classes can be accessed here:

Research and Development Foundation commented

Classes started on January 24th, two groups with 16 students overall started exploring how things are constructed and function.

Research and Development Foundation commented

'მანქანებისა და მექანიზმების' 2 ჯგუფი სწავლას 23 იანვრის კვირაში დაიწყებს - . 12 დარეგისტრირდა და 1-მა აღარ იარა. 2 ჯგუფია, ერთგან 4 მოსწავლე, მეორეგან 7. აქედან 4 ბიჭია, 7 გოგონა.

ამ ეტაპზე დარეგისტრირებულია სულ 11 მოსწავლე: 7 გოგონა და 4 ბიჭი. ინსტრუქტორები ეცნობიან პროგრამას და ემზადებიან გაკვეთილებისთვის.

Research and Development Foundation commented

The Machines and Mechanics LEGO educational sets have been purchased from Junior Innovations Solutions and are ready for the students. The registration for the second group will be open till January 22nd week, when the classes start. More information on the registration can be obtained on Research and Development Foundation FB page:

Research and Development Foundation commented

The registration for the machines and mechanics Lego program has been open at Research and Foundation FB page, one group (8 students) is already full with 2 girls (2 out of them from socially disadvantaged family) and two boys. Registration for a second group is open, so far we have three students registered, 2 boys and one girl. The registration will be open till the 14th of January. Classes will start in the week of January 22nd. Intructor is getting trained in the new program.

Research and Development Foundation commented

მოსწავლეების დასარეგისტრირებლად შემუშავებულია სარეგისტაციო ფორმა და რეგისტრაცია გამოცხადდება როგორც კი მოხდება შესაბამისი სამეცადინო ნაკრებების შეძენა. Junior Innovations Lab-თან მიღწეულია შეთანხმდება მასწავლებლის on the job ტრენინგის თაობაზე. პირველ ეტაპზე დაგეგმილია 2 ჯგუფის გახნა. გაკვეთილები ჩატარდება კვირაში ორჯერ.