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ლიტერატურული კლუბი

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Status: Completed

Avelum Live Library

Volunteer: Nino Charkviani

Location: Kvemo Kartli, Rustavi, Baratashvili 7

Problem statement

Due to our reality the level of general education among pupils is low, which also reduces the level of being socially active. It is important to inform the youth about the culture of volunteerism and working for the welfare of the society. Unfortunately some young people even fail to know what volunteerism is and if they know it, they don’t know how they can get involved in it.
This problem is partly caused by lack of informal education in schools. There should be more clubs, more unions where pupils would be able to talk about different topics, express their opinions and develop t...

Latest Activity

Nino Charkviani commented
4 years, 11 months ago | on: Avelum Live Library | Location:

აველუმის მომდევნო შეხვედრა კარგი ამინდის გამო ღია ცის ქვეშ ჩავატარეთ. ორბელიანის ფონდის პროგრამის ფარგლებში ნაყიდი წიგნებიდან განვიხილეთ პალიტრას "ერთი მოთხრობის სერიიდან" => დოსტოევსკის "თვინიერი"...