Playground for IDP Youth
Comments: 6


Problem statement:

The target group for this project is two groups of Internally Displace People (IDP) living in Telavi totaling 425 people (77 age 6 to 18) from South Ossetia and Abkhazia. These families had to flee their homes due to war and conflict and now live in tightly packed apartment complexes on the outskirts of Telavi.

This project will fund a multi-purpose playground that will be easily accessible to both of these IDP communities. The playground will primarily be for children and contain slides, swings, and steps, but it will also have exercise equipment for young adults and other community members.

The Telavi YMCA has been working with these IDP communities for many years and currently has English and sports courses for these children to learn alongside the other children and to promote integration. The purpose of this playground will be to help facilitate interaction amongst these displaced families, with each other and local Telavi community members, and provide a safe place for children to congregate and play as well as learn about the importance of living a healthy lifestyle.

Proposed Solution:

This project will provide the Telavi IDP communities with a safe space for children to develop physically, socially, and mentally. Multiple studies have shown that children who play on outdoor playgrounds are at an advantage later in life than students who do not.

Only a few parks exist in Telavi, and they are located very far from the IDP communities and schools. This playground will allow IDP children to have the same access to a fun and social environment that children living in the center of Telavi experience.

The playground will promote an active lifestyle much healthier than sitting indoors and using electronics, and it will also provide an opportunity for IDP children to meet and socialize with each other. Expanding friendships and relationships is an important part of youth development and will benefit kids in both their short and long term development.

The playground will offer a variety of new obstacles for children to interact with and promote their creative thinking. Children will be able to test themselves physically and mentally as they play on the playground equipment, and over time this will help build confidence and speed up development.

The playground will also contain exercise equipment for teenagers and adults, encouraging healthy lifestyle choices for these populations. Georgians are at risk for many health problems associated with a lack of exercise and poor diet choices, but easy access to exercise equipment is an easy way to motivate people to get fit.

The playground will also serve as a training space to teach community members how to properly use the playground equipment and the benefits. Paata will be in charge of leading these trainings and also coordinating with the student volunteers at the YMCA. Six volunteers will be selected with a mix of IDP and non-IDP youth as well as female and male who will go to the playground to play and talk about healthy lifestyle choices.


This project will provide a place for children to play for multiple generations. The equipment will be made out of metal, securely placed in the ground, and painted to protect from rain. The YMCA will oversee maintenance of the playground when we send volunteers to play with the youth.

We also have a good relationship with the leaders of the IDP communities and will have them help to ensure that the playground is cleaned and maintained. There will be trainings held at the playground once a month to train youth and adults on the importance of living a healthy lifestyle and how to properly use the equipment.

The playground does not require any immediate running costs. We hope that the playground will become an important meeting place for members of the IDP communities and a place to call their own.

Equal gender opportunity:

The volunteers are men and women, and boys and girls are encouraged to play together.

Items Needed

Item აღწერა Vendor Info Total Purchased?
Playground Equipment

Metal pipes, concrete, paint, chains, swing seats, slide, etc.



2 000,00 ₾
Installation of Playground Equipment

YMCA volunteers and IDP community members both male and female age 12 to 18 will prepare the ground and area for the playground equipment (diggings holes, planting grass, mixing cement, picking up trash, ect.).

Telavi YMCA

6 Leselidze
Telavi, Georgia

0350 27 29 02
0,00 ₾

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Comments This playground installation is done. Many thanks to Orbeliani foundation and volunteers for happiness of our IDP children.
Reply The volunteers cleaned a small area and all residual waste were disposed of in the trash.
Reply Today, volunteers prepared the place where will be installed swings. Many volunteers participated including children and their parents. The kids are very happy. It takes several days for the cement dried, and then planned to install. Installation is expected to be available in five days.
Reply Volunteers found the place where the temporary store items.
Reply Items have been brought to its destination, IDP's settlement. Installation is planned in the coming days.
Reply For the implementation of the idea the equipment are already purchased. From the company ,,Exim Group" the ,,Orbeliani" bought two pieces of a swing and a two-piece weighed. In the nearest future it is planned to be delivered and installed in the IDP's place in Telavi. It is necessary to prepare the place for the first time installation, which requires to dig six holes, installation of the bolts and then filed with concrete. Volunteer work includes transportation and installation.