Healthy environment for the healthy future
Comments: 5


Problem statement:

There are 329 pupils in Tsintskaro village, most of them are eco-migrants from Adjara and Svaneti, also members of ethnic and religious minorities study at our school (Azerbaijanis, Greeks). On the school territory there are few green spaces, we try to hold planting activities often, but they fail, because on the back side of the school territory the fence is demolished, so the cattle enter and eat the trees planted by us, also in the school yard we have a demonstration plot of land, which is surrounded by barbed wire and bamboo sticks, spinach is sown in it, last autumn cattle demolished one part of the plot fence. Cattle on the school territory cause the pollution of the school yard with animal feces and there is a terrible smell in summer, the yard is full of animal ticks and flies, threatening the health of the children.

Proposed Solution:

we want to make a fence around the unprotected part of the school yard. For the fence we need materials, as for the work, the local people and youth will voluntarily get involved in all kinds of activities. If we succeed to make a fence around the school territory, we will make a square using the second-hand materials and we will make effort to make the square beautiful with new plants. For this we need fence materials. Wire - 1000 meters, 600 iron boards (50 meters), cement 15 sacks, gravel - 2 squares, costing 1700 GEL in total


In case of greening, our school yard will become more beautiful, it will be protected from animals which will give us motivation to fill the whole yard with green plants and cultivate different products in the demonstration plot. It will be a motivation for teachers to hold open lessons and for us as well, because an open lesson is much more interesting than one held in a closed space.

Equal gender opportunity:

Due to the nature of the work to be carried out, parents and teachers will be actively involved in the main activities, which will contribute to the communication of generations and teachers-pupils in an informal space.

Items Needed

Item Description Vendor Info Total Purchased?

300 მეტრი ღობის გასამართად საჭიროა:
მავთული-1000 მეტრი,
600 50იანი რკინის ძელი,
ცემენტი 15 ტომარა,
შებელი- 2 კუბი


თბილისი, წერეთლის #140

(+995) 322 960 960
1 700,00 ₾

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