Outdoor Class

Comments: 7


Problem statement:

The goal of the project is to arrange outdoor classroom in Akhaltsikhe School # 1.Functioning of this class will raise environmental awareness and interest to natural sciences of school children, their parents and community. The low awareness level of school-age students is proved by the latest research of PISA (http://unicef.ge/uploads/PISA_geo_WEB.pdf) stating that about 34% of the school children meet the minimum basic requirements of knowledge in natural sciences. One of the key reasons is low interest of children to such disciplines. It can be partially caused by the lack of practical activities during the schooling process. The practical classes, presentations on field will help to raising interest and awareness of school children. Children will feel themselves as the part of the nature and will understand the environmental processes better, and become more interested and attached to natural disciplines.

Proposed Solution:

The outdoor class for the lessons of the natural sciences will be arranged in the back-yard of the school. The size of the space is about 20 meter X 20 meters. It will include schooling/study space, with tables and chairs, demonstration (trial) plot and decorative stairs connecting school building with back-yard. The space will involve artificial mini ecosystems (including soil with warms). Under the project framework school children, their parents and school administration will arrange the space themselves, the tables and chairs and artificial stone vase for flowers will be installed.

The outdoor class will be arranged for conducting practical class-rooms in natural sciences for primary and mid-level grade school children. They will be able to develop practical skills (observation, description, conducting experiments, etc.), labor skills and love towards nature, as they will be involved in arrangement of the class and practical activities themselves.

For fulfillment of the idea, it is required to decorate (paint) surrounding wall of the space, acquire set of plastic tables (5) and chairs (20) for classes, install decorative flower vases and fence the space with iron net.


The class will be owned by the school and school administration will take care about maintenance. The students and their parents will contribute to arrangement of the class and they will have the feeling of the ownership and it will support to make project results sustainable.

Equal gender opportunity:

Both male and female students will benefit from the project. The environmental class will be equally accessible for both gender representatives.

Items Needed

Item Description Vendor Info Total Purchased?
Decoration materials and tables/chairs

Polish liquid (2 boxes)-18 GEL, facade paints (1 box)- 85 GEL, iron net -(30 m) 54GEL Glue-cementum (2 packs) - 15 GEL,
Plastic tables (5) 300 GEL and (20) chairs - 280GEL

Levan Kapanadze

Akhalkalaki highway, Akhaltsikhe

595 956089; 59239392
752,00 ₾

the specialist who will support is making stony vase for flowers, in total 5 decorative stony vases.

Giorgi Narimanishvili

# 102 Rustaveli, Akhaltsikhe

150,00 ₾
Soil cultivation instruments

A spade-2.5GEL, a hoe-3GEL, a shovel -4.5 GEL and the wooden handles for instruments (3)- 5 GEL*3=15 GEL, field grass seeds - 13 GEL.

Ltd "Farmer"

# 24, Tamarashviili Street, Akhaltsikhe

28,00 ₾

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t.narimanishvili@gmail.com სკოლის ეკოკლუბის წევრები საკლასო ოთახის მოწყობას გეგმავენ.
t.narimanishvili@gmail.com საყვავილეების გაკეთება დავიწყეთ!!!!!!!!!!
t.narimanishvili@gmail.com საყვავილე
t.narimanishvili@gmail.com ახალციხის 1საჯარო სკოლის სარემონტო სამუშაოები დასასრულს უახლოვდება
t.narimanishvili@gmail.com 1სკოლა
t.narimanishvili@gmail.com ახალციხის პირველ საჯარო სკოლაში სარემონტო სამუშაოები დასასრულს უახლოვდება, მოეწყობა სკოლის ეზო, ვატარებთ მოსამზადებელ სამუშაოებს
t.narimanishvili@gmail.com პროექტი "საკლასო ოთახი ღია ცის ქვეშ" ითვალისწინებს ახალციხის #1 საჯარო სკოლის უკან ეზოში, კლასის მოწყობას საბუნებისმეტყველო მეცნიერების გაკვეთილებისათვის. ღია ცის ქვეშ ჩატარდება პრაქტიკული გაკვეთილები, რაც ხელს შეუწყობს მოსწავლეების ინტერესის გაზრდას საბუნებისმეტყველო დისციპლინებისადმი, პრაქტიკული უნარ-ჩვევების (დაკვირვება, აღწერა, ექსპერიმენტების ჩატარება და ა.შ.), შრომის უნარ-ჩვევების ჩამოყალიბებას. პროექტის განხორციელებას დროებით აფერხებს სკოლაში მიმდინარე სარემონტო სამუშაოები, რომელიც ოქტომბრის ბოლოს მთავრედება.