Gender Equality

Supported by SIDA

There are currently 27 initiative within this theme.

Problem statement

Conflict between parents and children isn’t a novelty, this problem has existed for centuries and has been discussed by philosophers and psychologists. This problem is closely related to gender issue, for example a famous feminist August Bebel in his work “Woman and Socialism” suggests that those women who suffer from gender-based oppression later treat their daughters unequally and unfairly. I agree with this opinion, unfortunately in today’s reality gender-based discrimination of children is very common, by their mothers as well. We come across gender discrimination on the family level...

Latest Activity commented
5 years, 10 months ago | on: Share the experience | Location:

ჩატარდა შეჯიბრი ფეხბურთში

Problem statement

ჩვენი იდეა გადაჭრის სკოლაში და ზოგადად თემში არსებულ პრობლემას.თემში ბევრი შემთხვევა გვაქვს ნაადრევი ქორწინების. ასაკი კი არ აღემატება 15 და 16 წელს. როგორც ვაჟებში ასევე გოგონებში.ჩვენი მიზანია, ახალგაზრდების გამოყვანა იმ წნეხი და ჭაობიდან, რასაც თვითგადარჩენისათვის და თვითდამკვიდრებისთვის ოჯახის შექმნა ჰქვია. ასეთი ოჯახების 80% არამყარია. კარგად ვხედავთ, თუ როგორ სწრაფად ვითარდება ზოგადად განვითარების დონე საქართველოში და ჩვენი მიზანია ახალგაზრდობამ ამ წინსვლას და პროგრესს აუწყოს ფეხი. ტრენინგების ჩატარება,ფილმების ჩვენება მოსწავლეებში აამაღლებს ცნობიერებას, და ისინი ადვილად გაიაზრებენ...

Latest Activity commented

ხაბუმეს თემის ახალგაზრდული კლუბის წევრებს ჩაუტარდათ სემინარი თემაზე ნაადრევი ქორწინების პრევენციაზე. სემინარს უძღვებოდნენ: ჩხოროწყუს რაიონული სამმართველოს უფროსი ბატონი ჯუმბერ იზორია და პატრულ...

Problem statement

Intersex people are still one of the most ininvisible groups in Georgia.

“Intersex” is a general term used for a variety of conditions in which a person is born with a reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t seem to fit the typical definitions of female or male.

The spread of gender stereotypes has a negative impact on intersex people, and they are often afraid of coming out. It's common for them to have no connection with the LGBTQI community. Also, formal or informal unions of intersex people do not exist in Georgia.

Sensitivity about intersex issues is...

Latest Activity

Koba Bitsadze commented
6 years, 8 months ago | on: Intersex Awareness | Location:

26 ოქტომბერს, ინტერსექს ადამიანთა ხილვადობის საერთაშორისო დღეს, "ჰაინრიჰ ბიოლის ფონდის" ოფისში ჩვენი მხარდაჭერილი პროექტის შედეგად მომზადებული სახელმძღვანელოს პრეზენტაცია გაიმართა. პრეზენტაციაზე ვი...

Opportunities for Girls


Location: a

Problem statement

Young girls from undeserved families and communities with low academic results face many challenges. Without intervention, they are at-risk for dropping out of school, early marriage, street work, sexual or physical abuse, or young pregnancy.

This project targets young at-risk girls in high schools, day centers and shelters. We plan to implement peer-led education programs for them. This will be done by creating a club called "Girls of the Future," which is partially financed by the US Embassy who trained 25 girls as peer educators. We believe these clubs will have a...

Latest Activity commented
6 years, 8 months ago | on: Opportunities for Girls | Location:

My project "Girl of Future" is finished. I would like to share my experience and little information on project and on its results. As I planned I conducted a two day training in Samtskhe-Javakheti ...

Problem statement

In Georgia, unfortunately, the facts of domestic violence are reported but little is done to prevent or minimize these facts. Sometimes, those victims of domestic violence are not even aware of the facts and remain trapped in their circumstances.

Behind all this data, there are real people with real problems. We want to live in the country with democracy and liberty, but domestic violence kills this liberty and the sense of humanity of everyone connected to it.

Here is a link to some official statistics:

Latest Activity

Keti Khachidze commented
5 years, 9 months ago | on: Domestic Violence Awareness | Location:

სამწუხაროდ, პროექტი ბოლომდე ვერ განხორციელდა. პროექტის ავტორმა გადაიღო რამდენიმე ფოტო, მაგრამ არ მიეცა პროექტს სოციალური კამპანიის სახე. ასევე, ძირითადი ფოტოგრაფის ობიექტივში ძირითადად აღმოჩნდნენ ...

Problem statement

Fighting for women’s rights in South Caucasus began almost a century ago. Like many countries throughout the world, female public figures and women’s rights activists in Georgia initiated and organized a wide variety of public awareness campaigns and educational initiatives.

Kato Mikeladze, Ekaterine Gabashvili, Barbare Jorjadze, Notio Lolua, Nino Tkeshelashvili, Lidia Megrelidze and others are just a few examples of these 19th century pioneers. Obviously, they encountered social and political opposition. 100 years later, these challenges persist, especially in public discourse....

Latest Activity

Nino Tskipurishvili commented

პუბლიკაციის ელექტრონული ვერსია უკვე ხელმისაწვდომია. იხილეთ ბმული: The Online version of the publication is available here:

Problem statement

Not many girls are able to express their opinions freely in their families. In the vast majority of cases, girls’ career aspirations and desire to live active social lives are ignored.

Often, this continues because girls simply don’t have the information that there are other ways of living. This project aims to help girls realize the existence of opportunities to live full lives.

Latest Activity

Keti Khachidze commented
6 years, 2 months ago | on: Empowering Girls with Education | Location:

This project did not progress due to unexpected changes and the items were not provided.

Gender Inequality Forums


Location: a

Problem statement

Currently, gender equality is one of the most discussed issues in Georgia, but most of the activities are organized in capital city. Gender-based issues are common all around the country, though the problems differ according regions.

The lack of discussion encourages stereotypes and a distorted understanding of gender among ordinary people. Topics such as female workers’ rights, pay gap, unemployment, women's participation in political processes, reproductive rights, sex education, domestic violence require an analytical approach from a wider society involving both the men a...

Latest Activity commented
6 years, 8 months ago | on: Gender Inequality Forums | Location:

კვირას, 19 ნოემბერს, გაიმართა მეორე შეხვედრა თბილისში, ეროვნულ სამეცნოერო ბიბლიოთეკაში. შეხვედრის თემა იყო რეპროდუქციული ჯანმრთელობა და უფლებები.
დამარებისთვის მადლობას ვუხდით მოწვეულ სპიკერს, ნინ...

Village Discussions on Gender


Location: a

Problem statement

In our world, it is necessary to have a modern educated society, in which all women have the opportunity to reach their potential.To do this, it is important to think about gender from an early age to combat stereotypes hard to change later.

This education is hard in the villages. The majority still hold traditional ideas about gender which hurt women. With the informal education within the project, implementing various activities, and promoting the importance the equality in youth, we can try to change this.

The project will be carried out from four adjoining communit...

Latest Activity commented
6 years, 9 months ago | on: Village Discussions on Gender | Location:

პროექტი "ჩვენ ერთად უკეთესი მომავლისთვის" ხორციელდებოდა ხობის მუნიციპალიტეტის 4 ადმინისტრაციული ერთეულის ; თორსა,ხეთა,ხამისქური,პირველი მაისის ახალგაზრდების ჩართულობით. პროექტის ფარგლებში ჩატარდა ...

Problem statement

In Surami village, the local population has never been able to talk about gender. The issues, like other regions, are also evident here. They include early marriage, stereotypes, violence against women and children, etc.

The 12th grade boys of Surami School # 4 will be involved in the project. They will be involved in training "man talks,” and then participate in a game with questions about gender equality.

Latest Activity commented
6 years, 9 months ago | on: Gender Equality Forums for Young Men | Location:

სურამში „მამაკაცური საუბრების" თემაზე ტრენინგი ჩატარდა. მამაკაცური საუბრები - ეს არის უნიკალური სემინარი, რომელსაც მხოლოდ კაცები ესწრებიან, სადაც ისინი საუბრობენ გენდერული თანასწორობის, მამაკა...

Problem statement

We want to raise awareness about gender issues and encourage the equal participation of girls and women in planned activities and discussions. In the Georgian media, gender issues are rarely addressed.

Current studies show that Georgia is increasing its awareness about gender equality, but still has progress to make. This progress means a continued effort to provide information about early marriage, equal rights, and domestic violence.

Latest Activity

ნანა რობაქიძე commented
6 years, 6 months ago | on: Gender Equality Video | Location:

როგორ აღნიშნავენ ნერგაძეების ოჯახში ძველით ახალ წელიწადს და რამდენად არის დაცული გენდერული ბალანსი.
იხ. ბმული:

Problem statement

As a physical education specialist and professional handball coach, I want to establish and strengthen a team for girls in Gori. Currently, 30 girls are trained in three different age groups: 9-10 years, 14-15 and 16-17. We train at Gori Teaching University, 3 times a week for 2 hours.

The hall non-standard handball and not designed for the sport, but we are grateful to be able to use the space. The larger problem is inventory. I only have 5 low quality balls, not enough for everyone. I have been working with them for only 4 months, and our eldest team placed first in the Shid...

Latest Activity commented
6 years, 8 months ago | on: Handball Team for Girls | Location:

2017 წლის 22 სექტემბერს სკოლა გიმნაზიასთან მოვახდინეთ მოლაპარაკება და ჩამოვაყალიბეთ პატარა ასაკის 2009-11წ. ჯგუფი. პირველი ვარჯში დაესწრო 6 გოგონა

Problem statement

In Tetritskaro, there is a problem of women’s education, self-esteem and confidence. The easiest way to change this is to target young girls. We want to teach them to see themselves as equal to their male counterparts.

Education and self-confidence is one of the best ways to achieve success. Currently, we see teenager girls subject to psychological violence in schools, causing many of them to become isolated, lose motivation to live, or marry young. They grow into women who cannot with stress, have no desire to improve their lives, don't know their rights and raise their chi...

Latest Activity commented
6 years, 10 months ago | on: Yin and Yang: Teaching Gender Equality in Tetriskaro | Location:

პროექტ "ინი და იანი"-ს ფარგლებში მოეწყო ორი შეხვედრა. პირველი შეხვედარა და დისკუსია, მოხდა ახლაგაზრდა მწვანეების მოხალისესთან, რომელიც ესაუბრა მონაწილეებს ფემინიზმზე და ქალის როლზე თანამედროვე ცხოვ...

Problem statement

At the age of 19, I would like to address gender equality from my own perspective using my creative abilities. I want to protest, support and regret the gender gap.

I intend to achieve this by means of my camera and stories of the women I capture. I think that art will convey my message of equality to the public.

Latest Activity

Mariam Mirotadze commented
6 years, 10 months ago | on: Photo Exhibition on Gender | Location:

ფოტოები სხვადასხვა გადასაღები მოედნიდან :დ

Problem statement

There is a wide variety of attitudes towards gender issues. The main problem in this case is lack of information and stereotypes. This should be addressed at an early age, when stereotypes are not yet developed.

We will try to raise gender issues among the youth via a new method. Particularly, we will screen movies about gender and have group discussions. Discussion of gender using this method will contribute to destroying gender stereotypes. It will also develop the art of having a discussion and the skills of formulating one’s own opinion.

Latest Activity

Problem statement

Lagodekhi is largely a rural area without amenities like theaters, sports grounds, courses, public squares, or museums. Such an environment leads to stereotypical thought.

Teenage girls are often victims of these stereotype. As they develop their individualism, their family and communities usually are not supportive. Phrases like, "This doesn’t suit a girl!” and This is not girl’s business!” are common. Even now that I am financially independent and an adult, my mother still criticizes my behavior for not being traditional.

I want to find a way to help these young t...

Latest Activity

Problem statement

Many studies have shown that the women and girls from minorities groups (ethnic, religious, social, etc.) face of discrimination and lack sufficient access to education, regular paid work, healthcare, legal services, and social life.

Many of these problems are caused by poor education in the state language and customs. This is especially true for the Azerbaijani population of Lagodekhi, where the majority of girls go to school for only 9 years. Often their families don't see the value of secondary education.

There are four villages and five schools in Lagodekhi muni...

Latest Activity commented
6 years, 7 months ago | on: Trekking for Female Integration | Location:

პროექტის გუნდის წევრები - შესანიშნავი გოგონები კაბლის თემიდან!! <3

STEM Education for Girls: Part 2 - Robotics

Volunteer: Research and Development Foundation

Location: a

Problem statement

The current project builds on the previous project "STEM Education for Girls," supported by Orbeliani Foundation and SIDA in 2016/2017. We aim to further improve the access of girls to include robotics.

STEM subjects, especially robotics, are indispensable if we want children to be equipped with the necessary skills to compete and be successful. In Telavi, at this stage there are no after-school programs in robotics.

LEGO's robotics program is aimed at improving the creativity of the students through building models and programming them. They learn to th...

Latest Activity

Research and Development Foundation commented
6 years, 5 months ago | on: STEM Education for Girls: Part 2 - Robotics | Location:

Classes resumed in the first week of February, with a third group of students. As for the number of students - existing number of lego sets does not allow to have more than 6 students in the class....

Gender Discussion Club

Volunteer: Giorgi Urchukhishvili

Location: a

Problem statement

Our goal is to break stereotypes about gender and gender equality, to help Georgian students talk about gender and gender equality outside the academic space.

Discussions about gender equality in Georgia started after the demise of the USSR. However, gender equality and studies have become a research subject of big NGOs and academia while “gender” as a social discourse has been established in a somewhat distorted way among ordinary people.

Gender was introduced to the Georgian youth in a strange way. Everyone understood gender and gender equality in their own way, and fe...

Latest Activity

Problem statement

Gender equality does not only benefit women who are often victims of visible and invisible discrimination. While men as a group do exercise power over women, patriarchal structure also affects men, and pressures them to conform to social expectations of masculinity.

Unfortunately the issues of masculinity are not widely discussed here and male domination over women here is seen as machismo, as a norm. The reason is that there is lack of interest and information in the wider society as well as in academic circles.

Nonetheless, there are several gender researchers who have...

Latest Activity

Lika Shiro commented
6 years, 9 months ago | on: Website on Masculinity Studies | Location:

ვებგვერდი მასკულინობების კვლევების შესახებ ( შეიქმნა 2017 წლის თებერვალში. პროექტი მიზნად ისახავდა მასკულინობების კვლევების, როგორც გენდერული თანასწორობის კონტექსტში ერთ-ერთი მნიშვ...

STEM Education for Girls

Volunteer: Research and Development Foundation

Location: a

Problem statement

In Georgia, girls today are becoming more active in their future aspirations. However, up until now due to still widely manifested patriarchal attitudes and beliefs. It is common to still consider that technology is something only for boys.

Today we hear all the time that the future is in technologies, innovation and that there will be fewer jobs in the highly computerized world for people who do not poses creative, analytical and technological skills. Therefore, without engaging girls from the early years, we are leaving them in a disadvantaged position about their future car...

Latest Activity

Research and Development Foundation commented
7 years, 1 month ago | on: STEM Education for Girls | Location:

One group continues classes and will graduate at the end of June. Students are constructing more and more difficult mechanisms and constructions. Videos and photos of the classes are regularly uplo...

Problem statement

Gender equality means equal opportunities, participation and the equal appearance of both genders in the public and private sphere. It aims at encouraging the full participation of women and men in social life. It also requires constant strife, protection and support. Social justice is badly developed in Georgia, and so is civil awareness and respect of differences in terms of opinion, gender, national religion, equality. Women’s participation in terms of decision-making is also low.

Gender stereotypes often oblige women only to take care of the family and children in place of s...

Latest Activity commented
6 years, 12 months ago | on: Theater on Gender Equality | Location:

სცენა სიტუაციიდან ”ნუ იძალადებ”

Problem statement

Last year, with the financial support of Orbeliani, a sewing course was opened in Pankisi Gorge, and the three of us were students who learned for free. It was very helpful for us. Now we would like to start a joint enterprise to put our skills to practice and open an atelier. We have a suitable space for this activity,

The second floor of one of our roadside houses can be used. We are from vulnerable families, and two of us are single mothers. It will be a great job for their small families, to start little business and also start a new life.

Latest Activity

Problem statement

Women can make important positive changes in the society, but they often forget this because social pressure limits their opportunities to housework.

This is an acute problems that Zestaponi. The data shows that only a small number of women are employed in the region. This is definitely due to education, which leads to stereotypes and low self-esteem. Our society needs to be shaken, be reminded of the role of women for the development of the society, and provide incentives to them to think of their own professional growth.

Latest Activity

Qeti Saladze commented
7 years, 2 months ago | on: Feminist Street Art in Zestaponi | Location:

მჯერა და ვიცი,რომ ამ ერთმა,თითქოს მცირე მნიშვნელობის პროექტმა,ძალიან ბევრი ადამიანის აზროვნება ცოტათი მაინც შეცვალა უკეთესობისკენ.თითქოს ყველასთვის ნაცნობი და ნათელი ფრაზა ძალიან ბევრისთვის სრულიად...

Problem statement

Georgia is a traditional country and with set gender roles. Although the majority of the country’s population recognizes gender equality in theory, in reality discrimination continues.

Workshops are held on this issue, but usually the targets are employees of the government or large organisations. For everyone else, the information comes through the media and is often twisted.

Several NGOs work on gender issues in the region. They hold workshops for adults, but the youth do not usually attend or think about the issues discussed. Books and other material on gender issu...

Latest Activity

Problem statement

Today, there are numbers of organizations working on gender equality. However, there are lots of gender stereotypes and harmful traditions preventing Georgian society from achieving gender equality in real life.

Sometimes, feminism is characterized as misandry and male oppression. We believe a lack of information causes this. In our community people either have no information about woman’s rights and feminism, or what they know is not correct.

Information particularly important in case of young girls, who could be next generation of activists fighting for equality, but d...

Latest Activity

Marie Berianidze commented
7 years, 2 months ago | on: Girls' Empowerment through Film | Location:

Check out our video from 8th of March.

შეგიძლიათ იხილოთ ჩვენი სარავამარტო ვიდეო :)

Problem statement

Vejini is a villages in Kakheti where gender equality is a new phenomenon. Women, especially the middle-aged and elderly, work hard on domestic chores and providing financially for the family by working as daily hired workers on farmlands. Meanwhile, men enjoying themselves by standing on “Birzhas” (a space for idle gathering). This division is considered natural.

Even when women’s and men’s work is shared equally, the role of a woman as a social being is ignored. There are no opportunities for women’s growth and self-education to confront gender stereotypes, develop interest, ...

Latest Activity commented
6 years, 11 months ago | on: Film Screenings on Gender Equality | Location:

შაბათს, 26 აგვისტოს 14 საათზე გაიმართა მარიანო ბარროსოს ფილმი ,,პეპლების დრო", ფილმის დასრულების შემდეგ გაიმართა დისკუსია: