Ethnic relations

შორენა ყარალაშვილი
Comments: 2


Problem statement:

Eco-Club of Akhalsopeli II Public School is actively cooperating with ethnic minorities of the municipality. Kvareli municipality has an exceptionally large number of villages inhabited by ethnic minorities. Villages like: Chantliskure, Saruso and Tivi are inhabited by Lekebi (same as Avarielebi/ khundzebi), the village of Zinobiani is inhabited by Udebi (same as Udinebi), Tsitskanaantseri is inhabited with ethnic Ossetians.

Several events are planned in cooperation with them, often sports competitions are organized. They participate in cultural and educational activities together. They see each other's lifestyle, tradition and culture up close. They plan cleanups together. They respect each other's religion. Youth activity is important for popularizing healthy lifestyle and promoting the integration of Kvareli ethnic minorities.

These relationships are important for our municipality youth as over time, because of the influence of various social, religious and political factors the relationship between them was weakened and was almost non-existent. This circumstance greatly affected the population, especially the representatives of ethnic minorities themselves. Even today, the most important problem is the lack of access to secondary education, in the villages, it is only possible to get a basic education, the nearest high school is located in the village Akhalsopeli. Ethnic lekebi in most cases are avoiding sending children to neighboring villages thus young generation cannot afford full secondary education.

Recently, a very good relationship has been established between the municipal youth members, this was caused by their involvement in a number of projects (eg. friendship between schools through eco-club). Youth members have frequent interactions with each other. Through these projects, they participate together in different kinds of games and quizzes.

Proposed Solution:

The main goal is to acquire inventory for a good environment in order to deepen the relationship between Georgians, ethnic Ossetians, Lek and Udin youth living in Kvareli municipality. In order to achieve the goal, we will create a friendly environment for the representatives of ethnic minorities and Georgian youth to get a better understanding of each other's traditions and culture.

They will plan cultural, sport and educational activities with their coordinators in an appropriate environment. They will Represent the peculiarities of their own community, they will get to know the neighboring community, their lifestyle, traditions, and culture much closer.

"Ethnic Communication" mainly involves providing active relaxation of young people through cultural-educational and entertainment-cognitive activities, the possibility of gaining an informal education, increasing intellectual potential, popularizing healthy lifestyle and promoting the integration of ethnic minorities in Kvareli. The meetings In the comfortable environment will play an important role in the integration of ethnic minorities living in Kvareli municipality.


Despite their involvement in various events, we want to have a closer relationship with Georgian and ethnic minorities. We are planning summer sports events (Women's volleyball, Men's Volleyball, Basketball, Arm-wrestling, Backgammon, Football). During these games, all students will be able to play together (mainly 15-18 year old’s will be involved in the project). We had an experience of these sort of games last year which proved to be quite successful. We also arrange meetings in the schoolyard where we will invite teachers, mayor of the municipality, head of culture and other successful individuals. Meetings will be arranged in cozy environments with youth. Joint events and field trips will also be planned.All these activities will help to deepen the relationship between these children

Equal gender opportunity:

Gender balance will be balanced within the project. The number of girls and boys will be equal

Items Needed

Item Description Vendor Info Total Purchased?
Ethnic relations

1. მუქი ფერის ნაჭრის

2.ფრენბურთის ბურთი-4ცალი
3.ფეხბურთის ბურთი 3 ცალი
4. კალათბურთის ბურთი3 ცალი
5.ნარდი 10ცალი

სოფიო კოკორაშვილი

ქ.ყვარელი,ი.ჭავჭავაძის ქუჩა #112

557 36 26 38
2 000,00 ₾

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