Green school

მარიამი წერეთეი
Comments: 6


Problem statement:

More than 100 eco-migrant families live in village Khaishi. At this stage the village does not have a meeting place and there is a lack of greenery.

The problem of the village is that we do not have a place for meeting and rest, where we can have fun, share ideas, thoughts and spend time together. Because of the absence of this space we have to sit on cold, dusty stones, which is uncomfortable and we have to stand in high grass places, which is dangerous because there are a lot of snakes in the village (namely Vipera lebetina). The village is not a rich with trees or plants that also creates an additional problem in terms of air pollution.

Proposed Solution:

The chairs are to be installed in the area allocated by the school administration, semi-grown trees and dwarf shrubs need to be planted. A small walking trail and a mini bicycle road needs to be constructed. At the center of the square a small wall should be built that will be painted with environmental problems such as environmental pollution, deforestation of vegetation and air pollution.

Mini biking Road - Since bikes are the most ecologically transport, we want to make it a popular, and we want to do it through this biking road. We want to encourage village youth to benefit from the valley and the healthy way of life.

After the garden is constructed, there will be 4 summer meetings arranged within the scope of the project. 1) One meeting will be dedicated to poetry 2) A lesson in the area of the garden that will further connect students to the nature and increase their motivation. 3) organize the movie screening; 4) Organizing dance event.


After the completion of the project the tradition and activities of the above gatherings will continue.
After the completion of the project, the goods purchased will be used for various school projects, open lessons will be conducted. We provide care and reproduction of planted plants. Students will learn how to take care of plants. Also, the area will be watered when its needed.

Initiative group is responsible for the duties for completing the idea of the project, in the long run group members will be replaced with new energetic children who will take care of the garden.

Equal gender opportunity:

There will be an equal participation from both genders - 50/50. Girls will have equal rights and responsibilities for the construction of the garden as the boys. There will be no restriction on physical work.

Items Needed

Item Description Vendor Info Total Purchased?
Tight block four-wheeler

საჩვენებელი კედლის აშნეებისთვის. 70 ცალი


ძმები სლოვინსკების ქ. 6, 0109 თბილისი

+995 0790 555555
70,00 ₾

სკვერში საჭიროა სკამი - 2 ცალი

ასევე სკოლის მოსწავლეები სხვა საჭირო სკამებს დაამზადებენ თავიანთი ხელით.



700,00 ₾

სკვერისთვის საჭიროა რიგი ხეეები და მცენარეები:

დასავლური ტუია - 10 X 20 ლ = 200 ლ
ღვია ოქროსფერი - 10 X 15 ლ = 150 ლ
ბუდლეა - 10 X 15 = 150 ლ
ჰორტენზია - 5 X 35 ლ = 175 ლ

ასევე, სკოლის მოსწავლეები თითო ნერგს შესწირავენ სკვერის გამწვანება გამშვენებას.



675,00 ₾
Lawn for the square

სკვერის ვიზუალურად კარგად გაკეთებისთვის საჭიროა ბუნებრივი გაზონი - 50 კვადრატული მეტრი



750,00 ₾

საჩვენებელი კედლის აშენებისთვის - 5 ტომარა

ჰაილდელბერგ ცემენტი


60,00 ₾

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