Meals on Wheels

Tako Maisaia
Comments: 48


Problem statement:

Nutrition programs in Georgia have been widely promoted. We find facilities in each city or region that offer free meal to needy, which significantly contributes to hunger prevention in country.

However, there are many low-income seniors who are home-bound or have moderate to severe physical restrictions which make them unable to visit the free meal facilities.

We want to deliver meals to individuals who are unable to afford nourishing meals needed to maintain health and well-being. Our goal is to meet recipients' nutritional needs, consider their health conditions, pay friendly visits, keep them company and simply light up their days to ensure that they remain well nourished and connected to the community.

Proposed Solution:

We, as a group of friends, have started Meals on Wheels venture since February 1, 2016. Through donations collected among co-workers and wide circle of friends we are now delivering meals to 18 recipients (8 routes) on weekly basis. Meals are cooked in turns by volunteers at their homes and distributed by two vehicles, which also rotate.

Since most of the budget is spent on food products, we don't have enough fuel money to distribute meals to more recipients and unfortunately for us we are unable to include them in our venture.

We highly desire to increase the number of recipients as financial resources will enable us to purchase more food products and cook meals in large quantities at our homes. The challenge is the distribution. With fuel supply, we could increase the number of recipients up to 30 individuals. It will also be beneficial to have one large cooking pan to prepare dishes into one vessel and not in several pans simultaneously as we do now. The pan will move from one volunteer to another on weekly basis.


We will continue collecting donations at work, among friends, plan to organize fundraising event and ultimately attract the sponsor. In the interim we kindly request your support throughout 10 months in order to satisfy distribution needs for increased number of recipients.

Equal gender opportunity:

We support elderly men and women, and our volunteer group is mixed.

Items Needed

Item Description Vendor Info Total Purchased?

50 liter ~ 75 GEL
(our 2 vehicles cover 500 km distance per month ~ 50 liter ~ 75 GEL)

Rompetrol Georgia

Rompetrol Georgia

640,00 ₾
Cooking Pan

Quality: Stainless Steel
Quantity: 1 EA
Size: XL

"Ostinoksi" Store

Tsereteli Ave. 74

2 35 66 33
200,00 ₾

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Tako Maisaia Our Meals on Wheels project with Orbeliani Georgia has come to an end. Goal of this venture is weekly meal delivery to families in need. Orbeliani Georgia has been supporting this idea for ten months, we started with 8 families and thanks to Orbeliani we were able to increase this number up to 10 families (21 people). Orbeliani purchased a cooking pan and fuel coupons. It helped and will further help us cook meals in large quantities. Fuel coupons were a great relief because we were able to do saving and commit it in food. It was a great positive change in social sphere, we are visiting handicaps, aged, forlorn people who can't cook themselves, can't afford nourishing food or long for someone to talk to. One day a week is a fiesta for them. Orbeliani supported us to make this idea real and gave a huge kick to introduce us to the society via video clip that was spread in internet. It brought more followers and we can now sustain the idea independently. It was most pleasant cooperation and experience for each of us. Connecting people and make kindness contagious is a noble deed. Ocean of thanks to each member of Orbeliani family !!!
Tako Maisaia Transportation Log for April
Tako Maisaia Marina Tatrishvili prepared delicious salmon and rice, families were delighted :) Thank you Marina, our super COOK !!!
Tako Maisaia Diverse Ajapsandali, spring dish for our families !!!
Tako Maisaia Transportation Log for March
Tako Maisaia Natia Surmava made sausages w/buckwheat siding and vegetarian catlets for our dear families. Many thanks to Natia and her Mom :)
Tako Maisaia Ia Chomakhidze was the cook and made two types of dishes: rice with mushrooms and chicken with rice. Meal was accepted by many happy faces !!! THANKS IA :)
Tako Maisaia Vegetable Soup from Taliko Alaverdashvili !!! THANK YOU Tali :)
Tako Maisaia Lobio with pickled cabbage it is !!! Families were very content, ocean of thanks to Natia Svanidze's family !
Tako Maisaia Nino Mushkudiani and her sister contributed Yogurt Soup to "Meals on Wheels" families. Thank you so much Nino !!!
Tako Maisaia Transportation Log for February
Tako Maisaia Gallery "Vache" has presented the certificate to "Meals on Wheels" authorizing the team to organize another Charity Fair for free. Bunch of thanks to Inga Vacheishvili, wonderful hostess of a great gallery !!!
Tako Maisaia Soso Pailodze's family donated Saturday meal to "Meals on Wheels" families. Bunch of thanks for this generosity :*
Tako Maisaia Little Masho and her parents prepared "chakhokhbili" and pancakes with cottage cheese. Yummy !!! Thank you dear family :)
Tako Maisaia Nino Mdzinarishvili made pretty Fajitas with potato and picked cabbage siding, bunch of thanks to Nino ***
Tako Maisaia Transportation Log for January
Tako Maisaia His majesty "Borshch" was the main course for "Meals on Wheels" :)
Tako Maisaia Manana Shanidze prepared super delicious Kharcho, Chikhirtma and Christmas Pies for our families past week-end, BRAVO MANANA :****
Tako Maisaia New Year and Christmas supplies were delivered to our families on 31st of December. Delivery will be renewed from January 14. HAPPY NEW YEAR !!!
Tako Maisaia Transportation Log for December
Tako Maisaia Trout with rice siding, special thanks to Tamuna Kukuladze's family. Super delicious dinner !!!
Tako Maisaia Natia Svanidze and Ia Chomakhidze cooked delicious vegetarian and fishy dinners two weeks in a row for our beneficiaries. Received lots of compliments from them, isn't that great?!
Tako Maisaia Transportation Log for November
Tako Maisaia Buckwheat
Tako Maisaia Catlets
Tako Maisaia Chicken catlets w/buckwheat siding, yumm dinner for our beneficiaries
Tako Maisaia Marina prepared very meaty dinner w/potato side dish. Winter clothes were enclosed and each family was delighted ***
Tako Maisaia Natia Surmava's family cooked delicious Catlets w/buckwheat side dish this time for 10 families and 21 people. Meals on Wheels has grown with one more family. THANK YOU Natia !!!
Tako Maisaia Check our Facebook page:
Tako Maisaia Transportation Log for October
Tako Maisaia contributors
Tako Maisaia contributors
Tako Maisaia set up
Tako Maisaia the winner of the auction
Tako Maisaia exhibition again
Tako Maisaia some more photos from the exhibition
Tako Maisaia "Meals on Wheels" organized a charity fair on October 29-30 at Gallery "Vache". Fund raising was successful and one more family joined "Meals on Wheels". We have 10 families and 21 beneficiaries now. Good Luck to us !!!
Tako Maisaia Transportation Log for September
Tako Maisaia Transportation Log for August
Tako Maisaia Transportation Log for July
Tako Maisaia Ia was the cook on June 25th, her chicken, pasta and fruit donation was a bliss !!! THANK YOU IA *
Keti Khachidze The volunteer's team is transparent about their travel costs: they have just shared info how they are using petrol granted by Orbeliani below:
Tako Maisaia Marina cooked this week (June 11). Tolma-Stuffed Peppers brought a joy :)
Tako Maisaia This week (May 30th) Taliko volunteered to cook meal for our beneficiaries. Gracious portions of heartily cooked Soup-Kharcho was gratefully received in each family.
Tako Maisaia 1. Reviewer comments: 200 lari for one cook pan? - Response: Per Decree 302/N, dated August 16, 2001 regarding "Approval of Sanitary Rules and Regulations" of the Minister of Labor, Health and Social Affairs of Georgia - premium quality stainless steel pans with solid cover and double bottom must be used for food preparation at nutrition facilities. In addition, depending on the amount of food we cook weekly for 18 people requires large pan. Quality and capacity effects cost of the item and the store we plan to purchase the pan from provided discounted price 200 GEL. 2. Reviewer comments: For volunteers the fuel costs seem a bit much, why don't they take the bus? - Response: on the attached map you will see locations we deliver food every week. Destinations cover most of the city, ranging from suburban area through city center. Our packages are very heavy and sometimes one volunteer delivers food to 5 locations, it is physically impossible to carry several packages even for two. Besides, most of our beneficiaries live at fair walking distance from bus stops and relying on bus network in Tbilisi will cause failure in timely delivery. 3. Reviewer comments: How much food are they delivering? Can they take pictures? - Response: Currently we are delivering food to 9 families, 18 people. It makes 18 packages consisting of main dish and auxiliary products, such as: bread, dairy products, fruit, vegetables. We will attach pictures soon.
Keti Khachidze Reviewer comments: 200 lari for one cook pan? 200 ლარი ერთი ქვაბისთვის?
Keti Khachidze Reviewer comments: For volunteers the fuel costs seem a bit much, why don't they take the bus? მოხალისეებისთვის ტრანსპორტირების ხარჯები ცოტა ბევრი ჩანს. ავტობუსით ვერ მოახერხებენ წაღებას?
Keti Khachidze Reviewer comments: How much food are they delivering? Can they take pictures?