Street Art for Free Expression
Comments: 6


Problem statement:

Street Art is an opportunity for youth to express their visions and attitudes through art. It does not require professional painting skills; it can be done by graphic paintings too. It's not as popular in Georgia as it is in the rest of Europe.

Without a street art culture, many youth with talent and desire to change their environment lack the conditions to express themselves. Street Art does not have strictly set rules of painting forms, which allows people to express their psychological condition.

We think that a street art project would be useful for IDP youth, who need to find a release for their post-war trauma. The topic will be tolerance and peace. This project will also promote the activity of youth, make environment prettier, and develop a lasting creative culture.

Proposed Solution:

We propose to organize a training series for IDP youth, to teach them about Street Art. They will also have the opportunity to develop creative thinking and nonverbally express their vision and attitude towards the topic.

The topic of peace and tolerance topic is most important for IDP youth, who are often reticent to speak about their trauma aloud. Practical training will be conducted by an experienced local painter.
He will help the youth to express their vision with techniques.

After the series of training, everyone will paint the walls of the Tserovani IDP Settlement Youth Center. This will be very important in two ways, as the youth will learn the Street Art significance and will make the environment prettier and more attractive to other youth.

We also hope the local community will be more beautiful and care more about their environment., so they will actively take care of their community.


20 youth will be trained during the Project course. Their awareness of the importance of street art will be raised.

The painted walls will permanently change the environment, and also it will make the center more appealing to new members.

All the materials can be reused. Photos of the project will be published online for public use.

Equal gender opportunity:

These project is open to all the IDP youth at the center, both boys and girls.

Items Needed

Item Description Vendor Info Total Purchased?
LTD Social Enterprise IKORTA

This Social Enterprise IKORTA is social CAFE ,which is located in Tserovani IDP settlement , where local people working.
We are going to order our lunch and coffee breaks there.
We have two days training and our beneficiary will be twenty youth.

Lunch, coffee 20 person – 2 days 750 Gel

Gorgia, Ikorta, individual


1 400,00 ₾

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Natia Rekhviashvili expenses: paints, brushes and stationary 760 GEL food 500 GEL transportation 140 GEL
Reply პროექტის ფარგლებში წეროვნის ახალგაზრდებმა მშვიდობის საერთაშორისო დღე აღნიშნეს და მათი თვალით დანახული მშვიდობა სთრით არტით გადმოსცეს. #streetartfreedomofexperssion#
Reply ნახატების პრეზენტაცია
Reply ხატვის სესია
Reply დაიწყო პროექტი Street Art Freedom of Expression. წეროვნის დასახლებაში დღეს უკვე ჩატარდა პროექტის ფარგლებში ხატვის სესია სადაც ბავშვებმა ისაუბრეს ქუჩის მხატვრულ ხელოვნაბზე. პროექტის ფარგლებში დაგეგმილია 21 სექტმებერს მშვიდობის საერთაშორისო დღესთან დაკავშირებით კედლის მოხატვა, სადაც ბავშვების ნახატები იქნება მოხატული. სესიის დროს ბავშვება მიიღეს ასევე ინფორმაცია როდის დაარსდა 21 სექტმემბერი როგორც მშვიდობის საერთაშორისო დღე და როგორ აღნიშნავენ მას მსოფლიოს სხვადსხვა ქვეყნებში. ლალი ომიაძე
Reply Freedom of expression is a human right