Sewing Workshop in Tianeti
Comments: 7


Problem statement:

Mountainous regions, particularly the Tianeti region, have very challenging and unsolved problems. Farming is limited and there is no industry. Wages are low, and many migrate to find work, reducing the population.

Tianeti has no social center, and certainly no sewing workshop, but these places are needed. The demand is high, but there is no supply. Sewing and alteration of of clothes is needed, as is domestic curtains, table cloths, covers, and linen. For children, carnival and festival costumes are also in demand

Because we have no workshop, to make these goods we must pay for a tailor from Tbilisi, which is too expensive for many people.

Proposed Solution:

Our idea is to get the young and middle-aged women of Tianeti interested and employed. The teacher is a local resident with experience. She has offered to give lessons completely free of charge.

So far, four young women have expressed interest. This workshop will give them time to master their skills and then find employment in the community instead of abroad.

To realize this project, we must also locally publicize it. Because our scale is small, the funds required are small and it's easy to do a lot with a little.

With publicity and some material resources, this problem can be solved.


Our idea is sustainable since it provides a continued source of income for the workers and a local supply of clothing.In the short term, the employees will be able to sell their goods locally. In time, we hope that they can increase their scale as they grow more skilled and known for their services.

Equal gender opportunity:

This project is targeted a women, who typically do the sewing in Tianeti. However, if the business grows, there is opportunity for men to be involved in the delivery or marketing of the products. Also, the whole village will benefit by having a local tailor.

Items Needed

Item Description Vendor Info Total Purchased?
fabric and thread

fabric, thread and needles

ლილო მოლი,ბავშვთა სამყარო

ლილო, სადგურის მოედანი.

1 000,00 ₾
Sewing machine

Sewing machine of the brand called "brothers"

მაღაზია: "Victoria`s Style"


568,00 ₾

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Comments კერვის პროცესი :)
Reply არ წყდება შეკვეთები :)
Reply სწავლება და შეკვეთები ერთდროულად მიმდინარეობს :)
Reply ჩვენი პირველი ნამუშევარი - თეთრეულის კომპლექტი.
Reply შევიძინეთ ნაჭრები და ვიწყებთ მუშაობას.
Reply მიმაგრებულ ფაილში შეგიძლიათ იხილოთ საკერავი მანქანის მოდელი.
Reply საკერავი მანქანა შევძინეთ და წავიღეთ თიანეთში, გუნდი შეკრებილი და მობილიზებულია, ყველაფერი მზად არის მუშაობის დასაწყებად.