Street Art for Road Safety
Comments: 5


Problem statement:

My campaign is focused on the road safety in the city of Rustavi. With lack of respect for the traffic rules as well as lack of infrastructure many people become victims of traffic related accidents.

Specifically, the pedestrians’ crossings are not being respected, both in terms of cars not stopping for pedestrians and cars being parked on the actual crossings. It is obvious that we in Rustavi need to raise the awareness of these crossings.

Though crossings is one of the specific aspect, the project will in general target the problem of traffic related issues including pedestrians and drivers ignorance of traffic signs, ZEBRA crossings, speeding and parking on the sidewalk.

Proposed Solution:

The general idea of my project is to use street art as a tool for awareness rising and to inform the population of Rustavi on the topic of road safety. My idea focuses on the creation of murals in the city center. These murals will contain certain messages about responsibility in the traffic and address specific issues.

With friends experienced in graffiti making, we will develop messages, slogans and illustrations for the street art to make it as powerful and meaningful as possible.

I am convinced that all inhabitants of Rustavi will benefit from improving the traffic situation. I’ve already discussed this idea with the city hall and they are ready to support me and my idea, to make the process safe and convenient. I’m consulting with them about the possible places, walls and roads for the campaign.


The sustainability of the project will be met by the fact that street art is a lasting form of expression. We will include a demonstration with the objective of awareness rising, but the real sustainability of the project will be embodied by the street art, and the message will encourage better safety for a long time.

Equal gender opportunity:

I don’t see how this idea would cause inequality for men and women in terms of benefiting. As far as I am concerned, men and women are equally suffering from this particular problem and will thus equally benefit from the solution.

Items Needed

Item Description Vendor Info Total Purchased?
Rolling brush

Paint rolling brush for wall painting and murals. set of two rollers.


Kakheti Highway, Tvalchrelidze st 2

20,00 ₾
Spray Cans

The colorful spray paints excellent for outdoor painting, easy to use. The brand is called FLAME, which has a high quality and is wind/rain/cold resistant. I need 30 spray cans with different colors.


Kakheti Highway, Tvalchrelidze st 2

354,00 ₾

The set of different brushes for outdoor (mural) painting. 6 brushes.


Kakheti Highway, Tvalchrelidze st 2

25,00 ₾

Pigment for outdoor paints to give it the different colors. 5 tubes of pigment.


Kakheti Highway, Tvalchrelidze st 2

25,00 ₾

Vernilac outdoor/exterior paints - water/wind/cold resistant best for murals. 6 jars of paint.


Kakheti Highway, Tvalchrelidze st 2

90,00 ₾

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Comments We have finished the activity some time ago and after this we've been observing the reactions of our target groups. From this project we have got the life-lasting learning and experience in working with bureaucracy, local communities and youngsters! With the constant communication, training and support from Orbeliani team, we managed to finish our activity and try to bring a social change through artistic ways ! We want to wish the good luck to Orbeliani, Thank the team and hope for the future cooperation ! Warmest Regards from our team ^^
Reply We believe that the positive feedback from the people directly or indirectly involved in our activity is the most precious thing the volunteer can think about! 🤩 We also made the interviews for THE MOST SIGNIFICANT CHANGE within our target group. Stories can be found on following link: Currently we are translating our project to make it available in Georgian for broader public and help Orbeliani with making the platform in Georgian! We want to thank Orbeliani team and hope to cooperate in future for greater good! Good Luck!
Reply We have paused our projects for several weeks already, because some team members needed the time off. Our projects aims to raise the visibility of Street Safety issues in Georgia, in order to make it work in its best way we are communicating with government of Rustavi, about choosing the best walls and places for street art. We have a street artist Jokonda, willing to help us with fulfilling our task and reaching our goals. We will keep you up to date !!
Reply Our organizers group tackled a lot of problems connecting to our private lives, friends, works, this project and etc. during last few months, but we kept our heads up and mobilized to finish the project what we believe in and started with the help of Orbeliani. Before I start explaining what we are up to, I want to that the team of Orbeliani for supporting us in hard times and taking our situation into consideration. Last week we have finally purchased our spray cans, pains and brushes for our street arts in Rustavi. - We searches for the colors and paints for a while, because in most of the stores they were ran of the colors, so we had to wait for them to order for us and ship them to Georgia. - After we received all the materials we met the head of the department in self-government of Rustavi, with whom we have already discussed the painting of Zebras and walls back in May 2017, but we all know how bureaucracy works, so we have written and sent the new letter to him in order to get the new permission over again. Now we are waiting for the answer and hopefully everything will go smoothly and we will have a permission next week to finalize our project. We already have the materials, sketches and group of artists willing to help us, so lets keep the fingers crossed for us ! Regards Our Team
Reply Due to a busy life-style of organizers of Road Safety project, the first meeting was conducted yesterday 13/07/2017. Now we have a call for volunteers to work with us and our street artists on creating beautiful and powerful messages for society and raise the awareness about the road safety, law, rules, bike rights and etc. We hope that soon we will have a complete group of enthusiasts to start implementing the activities and bring a little bit of change to our society.