"Green scouts" are coming

Maia Tsignadze
Comments: 8


Problem statement:

One of the greatest problems that the world is facing today is that of environmental pollution, illegal fishing and hunting increasing with every passing year and causing grave and irreparable damage to the earth. Pollution, illegal activities occur when there is a lack of knowledge on the part of humans on how to decompose these pollutants artificially. It matters first and foremost because it has negative impacts on crucial environmental services such as provision of clean air and clean water (and many others) without which life on Earth as we know it would not exist.
Many people visit Samegrelo and Okatse Natural Monuments every year that is a very popular destination in Samegrelo region that is located in Western Georgia, 280km from Tbilisi.
Environment around natural monuments is in a very bad situation-polluted areas, cut trees and a remaining beautiful nature create a picture that surprises and makes angry both nature lover visitors and locals.

Proposed Solution:

•We, Samegrelo and Okatse Administration specialists will select pilot schools where Natural Monuments (Protected Areas) are located (10 schools). Samegrelo Protected Areas Administration specialists will conduct 10 mini sessions in village and town schools where 60-100 pupils will attend (600-1000 pupils in ten schools). In these sessions, participants will be given information about protected areas in general, waste management principles and allowed and prohibited activities in protected areas. Pupils will have a possibility to watch mini videos about environmental protection and protected areas.
• We will establish "Friends' Club of Natural Monuments" that will unite 25 active school pupils of Martvili municipality. Club will have a work plan that will include several interesting environmental activities.
•Samegrelo Protected Areas Administration specialists will conduct 2 open workshops for club members and inform them about the importance of Martvili Canyon and protected areas in general and show them the results of pollution, illegal hunting, fishing and woodcutting. (there are some endangered species from red list)
• "Clean-up the Martvili Canyon" will be arranged where 20-25 club members will clean the area (2 days).
• A "Green competition" will be organized- Club members will prepare green boxes and give to 10 pilot schools where they will collect waste paper and the class who first fills the box gets a prize. The collected paper will be handled in special paper collecting center where pupils will get books instead of paper.
• During the workshops, activities, competitions and seminars Samegrelo Protected Areas Administration specialists will identify and later train 3-5 active pupils from the club and give them the status of "Green scouts" who will accompany them in different schools and participate in trainings and workshops together with them. Later, they will independently manage to conduct the clean-up activities and educate other pupils.


We are sure to achieve big success as our activities are based on pure love of nature and volunteerism. The result of all this will be:
*600-1000 informed and educated pupils throughout municipality.
* 25 motivated and active "Friends' Club" members
* 10 Classes with green boxes who will take care of nature more than in the past
* 10 filling green boxes that will save lives of several trees during the years
* changed ideology towards environmental protection and illegal activities
* Books for the school library.
* 3-5 trained scouts who later will be patrons of protected areas

Items Needed

Item Description Vendor Info Total Purchased?
Lunch (for participants of Clean-Up Activities)

1. Lunch package-50 pupils-270 Lari

Total -270 Lari

Gogi Chikhladze


270,00 ₾
Clean-Up materials

1.Transparent tape 10 items -60 Lari
2.Big Plastic Bags-2 packs-14 Lari
3.Gloves 50 Items-50 Lari
4. Small Plastic Bags-1 pack- 3 Lari

Total: 127 Lari

Gogi Chikhladze-Individual Enterpreneur

Tamar Nepe 9, Martvili

571 00 49 99
127,00 ₾
A tour in Prometheus Cave for a competition winner class/transportation in villages schools

1. Transportation- 250 Lari

Gocha Khuntselia

Village Khuntsi

250,00 ₾

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Maia Tsignadze ჩატარდა ექსკურსია
Maia Tsignadze ჩატარდა დასუფთავების აქცია
Maia Tsignadze შეირჩა კიდევ სამი კლასი სადაც მოსწავლეებმა დადგეს თავისი ხელით გაკეთებული ყუთები მაკულატურის შესაგროვებლად.
Maia Tsignadze დასუფთავდა კანიონის მიმდებარე ტერიტორია.
Maia Tsignadze დასუფთავდა კანიონის მიმდებარე ტერიტორია.
Maia Tsignadze მარტვილის მეორე საჯარო სკოლაში ჩატარდა საგანმანათლებლო გაკვეთილი სადაც მოსწავლეებმა მიიღეს ინფორმაცია დაცული ტერიტორიების არსზე და ეკოლოგიურ პრობლემებზე
Maia Tsignadze გამზადდა მწვანე ყუთი კლასში განსათავსებლად-Green box has been prepared for locating in a classroom
Maia Tsignadze მოხდა შეხვედრა ბავშვებთან. ადგილობრივმა მაღაზიამ გადმოგვცა ყუთები, რომლებიც დაიდგმევა შერჩეულ კლასებში. ყუთები მზადდება მწვანედ შესაღებად.