Helping Hand to the Elderly
Comments: 2


Problem statement:

The Islamic Kist population of Pankisi Gorge bases their lives on traditions, customs and religion. Charity and helping the needy, vulnerable people in their community is one of the characteristics of the Kist people.

Unfortunately, high lives of migration has left a large number of elderly people with assistance. They do not have the family conditions and the ability to have daily healthy food. Particularly, even when the elderly are provided with some food (meat, dairy products, vegetables, etc.,), they do not have a fridge and the conditions necessary for cooking. The situation is especially severe during summer, when lack of storage makes the food useless for consumption.

Proposed Solution:

The aim of our initiative group is to put a fridge (to store products and ready-made food) and a gas stove (for cooking) in one room of the public building situated in the center of village Jokolo for elderly people in need.

The beneficiaries will be able to store perishable products in the fridge and also, with the help of the members of the initiative group, cook the desired food. Ready-made food will be delivered to homes of those elderly people who are unable to move.

The project will contribute to integrating the socially vulnerable and helpless elderly people into the society. They will not feel lonely and left out from the society, and their diet will improve which will significantly reflect on their health.


Keeping traditions and helping the needy have been a part of the population of the gorge since olden times. This will contribute to durable implementation of the project. The initiative group in the future plans to open a café with the requested equipment. The cafe will serve the local population with healthy and natural food. In an extreme case, the equipment will be given to the beneficiaries with special needs. We hope that this project will help sustain life in the gorge, despite migration.

Equal gender opportunity:

We will assistant any man or woman who needs our help.

Items Needed

Item Description Vendor Info Total Purchased?


Beko LTD Technohouse


1 050,00 ₾

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Svetlana Borchashvili მე ვარ სვეტლანა ბორჩაშვილი პანკისის ხეობიდან, ლიდერი საინიციატივო ჯგუფისა, რომელიც დახმარებას უწევს უმწეო მოხუცებს პროდუქტების შენახვასა და საკვების მომზადებაში. აღნიშნული აქტივობის განსახორციელებლად "ორბელიანი საქართველო"-მ გაგვიწია დახმარება და შეგვიძინა მაცივარი, რისთვისაც უღრმეს მადლობას ვუხდით.
Irma Sheylashvili მე ვარ ირმა მარნეულიდან ვარ მოხალსე ამ პროექტის და მინდა დაწყებული საქმე მივიყვანო ბილომდე და წარმატებული ვიყო ჩემ საქმეში მადლობას ვუხდი დახმარებისთვის პროექტის ორგანიზატორებს და ასევე ორბელიანს რათა სეგვიწყვეს ხელი და შეგვიძინეს საჭირო ნივთები